Smeg Hack Garrys Mod

  1. Garry's Mod Darkrp Hacks
  1. --Behold Leechers and Rippers, if your reading this then you suck because you bypassed my protection method....
  2. local Mode =1
  3. local Aiming =false
  4. local tracedata ={}
  5. local BannedWeapons ={'weapon_physcannon','weapon_physgun','weapon_frag','weapon_real_cs_smoke','arrest_stick','unarrest_stick','stunstick',
  6. 'weapon_real_cs_flash','weapon_real_cs_grenade','spidermans_swep','manhack_welder','laserpointer','remotecontroller','med_kit',
  7. 'door_ram','pocket','weaponchecker','lockpick','keypad_cracker','keys','weapon_real_cs_knife','gmod_tool','gmod_camera','weapon_crowbar',
  8. local ang = LocalPlayer():GetAimVector()
  9. tracedata.endpos = pos+(ang * Distance)
  10. if WeaponCheck()and ModeCheck()and AmmoCheck()then
  11. Fire()
  12. end
  13. // Check are we targeting NPC's, Players or maybe both.
  14. function ModeCheck()
  15. if Mode 1 then
  16. if !target:IsPlayer() then
  17. return false
  18. end
  19. elseif Mode 3 then
  20. end
  21. return true
  22. end
  23. // No-recoil.
  24. local function NoRecoil()
  25. if !Recoil and WeaponCheck() and LocalPlayer():Alive() and LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon():IsValid() and LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon().Primary then
  26. LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon().Primary.Recoil = 0
  27. else return end
  28. end
  29. hook.Add('Think', 'Norecoil', NoRecoil)
  30. // Check our ammo, if ammo is 0, then reload and output false, else if ammo is not 0, outputs true.
  31. function AmmoCheck()
  32. if Ammo() 0 then
  33. LocalPlayer():ConCommand('+reload; wait 2; -reload')
  34. return false
  35. else
  36. return true
  37. end
  38. end
  39. // Output our current ammo.
  40. function Ammo()
  41. if LocalPlayer() and LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon() and LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon():IsValid() then
  42. actwep = LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon()
  43. if ( ! actwep ) then return -1 end
  44. return actwep:Clip1()
  45. end
  46. end
  47. // Checks if the target is valid for targeting.
  48. function TargetCheck( ent )
  49. if !ent:IsValid() or !ent:IsNPC() and !ent:IsPlayer() or LocalPlayer() ent then return false end
  50. if ent:IsPlayer() and !ent:Alive() then return false end
  51. if ent:IsNPC() and ent:GetMoveType() 0 then return false end
  52. if Mode 1 then
  53. if ent:IsNPC() or ent:IsPlayer() then return true end
  54. elseif Mode 2 then
  55. if ent:IsPlayer() then return true end
  56. if ent:IsPlayer() then return false end
  57. end
  58. end
  59. // Outputs the targets heads position.
  60. function HeadPosition( ent )
  61. local hbone = ent:LookupBone('ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1')
  62. // Are we seeing the target, no use to try and shoot through walls is it.
  63. function TargetVisible( ent )
  64. local trace = {start = LocalPlayer():GetShootPos(),endpos = HeadPosition(ent),filter = {LocalPlayer(), ent},mask = 1174421507}
  65. // Gets the positions and angles, and counts the right values for some aimbotting.
  66. function GetTarget()
  67. local position = LocalPlayer():EyePos()
  68. local tar = {0,0}
  69. for _, ent in pairs( ents.GetAll() ) do
  70. if LocalPlayer():Alive() and WeaponCheck() and TargetCheck( ent ) and TargetVisible( ent ) and AmmoCheck() then
  71. local targetpos = ent:EyePos()
  72. local editor = ( targetpos - position ):Normalize()
  73. editor = editor - angle
  74. editor = math.abs( editor )
  75. if editor < tar[2] or tar[1] 0 then
  76. end
  77. // This is the part where we don't have to move our mouse.:)
  78. function AutoAim( UCMD )
  79. if Aiming and WeaponCheck()then
  80. local targ = GetTarget()
  81. local velocity = targ:GetVelocity()or Vector(0,0,0)
  82. Aimed(UCMD,(( HeadPosition( targ )+ velocity *2* FrameTime())- LocalPlayer():GetShootPos()):Angle())
  83. local trace = LocalPlayer():GetEyeTrace()
  84. end
  85. end
  86. hook.Add('CreateMove','Autoaim', AutoAim)
  87. LocalPlayer():ChatPrint(Hack ..'AutoAim Enabled!')
  88. end)
  89. LocalPlayer():ChatPrint(Hack ..'AutoAim Disabled!')
  90. end)
  91. // Checks if the weapon you are trying to shoot with is in the table'BannedWeapons'if it is,then it doesn't shoot with the aimbot.
  92. function WeaponCheck()
  93. if !LocalPlayer():Alive() then return false end
  94. if LocalPlayer():Alive() and LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon():IsValid() then
  95. Weapon = LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon():GetClass()
  96. else return false
  97. end
  98. if table.HasValue( BannedWeapons, Weapon ) then
  99. return false
  100. else
  101. return true
  102. end
  103. end
  104. // We gotta fire the gun too.
  105. function Fire()
  106. LocalPlayer():ConCommand('+attack; wait 2; -attack; wait 2')
  107. end
  108. // The menu.
  109. local function menu()
  110. local panel = vgui.Create('DFrame')
  111. panel:SetPos(ScrW() / 3, ScrH() / 3)
  112. panel:SetVisible( true )
  113. panel:ShowCloseButton( true )
  114. enabled1:SetPos( 20, 50 )
  115. enabled1:SetText( 'Autoshoot On' )
  116. disabled1:SetPos( 20, 100 )
  117. disabled1:SetText( 'Autoshoot Off' )
  118. espon1:SetPos( 200, 50 )
  119. espon1:SetText( 'ESP On' )
  120. espoff1:SetPos( 200, 100 )
  121. espoff1:SetText( 'ESP Off' )
  122. aimoff1:SetPos( 20, 210 )
  123. aimoff1:SetText( 'Autoaim Off' )
  124. aimon1:SetPos( 20, 160 )
  125. aimon1:SetText( 'Autoaim On' )
  126. mode1:SetPos( 380, 80 )
  127. mode1:SetText( 'Aimbot: All' )
  128. LocalPlayer():ChatPrint(Hack .. 'Aimbot Mode: All')
  129. end
  130. mode2 = vgui.Create( 'DButton', panel )
  131. mode2:SetSize( 140, 40 )
  132. mode2.DoClick = function()
  133. Mode = 2
  134. LocalPlayer():ChatPrint(Hack .. 'Aimbot Mode: Player')
  135. end
  136. mode3 = vgui.Create( 'DButton', panel )
  137. mode3:SetSize( 140, 40 )
  138. mode3.DoClick = function()
  139. Mode = 3
  140. LocalPlayer():ChatPrint(Hack .. 'Aimbot Mode: NPC')
  141. end
  142. randon = vgui.Create( 'DButton', panel )
  143. randon:SetSize( 140, 40 )
  144. randon.DoClick = function()
  145. LocalPlayer():ConCommand('at_changer_on')
  146. end
  147. randoff = vgui.Create( 'DButton', panel )
  148. randoff:SetSize( 140, 40 )
  149. randoff.DoClick = function()
  150. LocalPlayer():ConCommand('at_changer_off')
  151. end
  152. label1 = vgui.Create( 'Label', panel )
  153. label1:SetSize( 140, 40 )
  154. recoilon:SetPos( 360, 40 )
  155. recoilon:SetText( 'No-Recoil On' )
  156. recoiloff:SetPos( 450, 40 )
  157. recoiloff:SetText( 'No-Recoil Off' )
  158. LocalPlayer():ChatPrint(Hack .. 'AutoShoot Enabled!')
  159. end )
  160. concommand.Add('at_norecoil_on', function()
  161. Recoil = false
  162. LocalPlayer():ChatPrint( Hack .. 'No-Recoil Enabled!' )
  163. end )
  164. concommand.Add('at_norecoil_off', function()
  165. Recoil = true
  166. LocalPlayer():ChatPrint( Hack .. 'No-Recoil Disabled!' )
  167. end )
  168. concommand.Add('at_autoshoot_off', function()
  169. AutoShoot = false
  170. LocalPlayer():ChatPrint(Hack .. 'AutoShoot Disabled!')
  171. end )
  172. hook.Add('Think', 'Autoshoot', ATHack)
  173. // Name changer, yay?
  174. function name_random()
  175. if random true then
  176. RunConsoleCommand('setinfo', 'name', table.Random( player.GetAll() ):Nick() .. ' ')
  177. end
  178. end
  179. concommand.Add('at_changer_on', function( ply )
  180. local orig = ply:Nick()
  181. hook.Add('Think', 'random', name_random)
  182. end )
  183. concommand.Add('at_changer_off', function()
  184. random = false
  185. RunConsoleCommand('setinfo', 'name', orig)
  186. end )
  187. // It's timefor some wallhacking.
  188. function esp()
  189. if enabled truethen
  190. for _,v inipairs(player.GetAll())do
  191. local pos = v:GetPos()+ Vector(0,0,90)
  192. name ='
  193. else
  194. dead ='*Dead*'
  195. color = Color(255,255,255,255)
  196. color = Color(0,0,0,255)
  197. draw.DrawText(dead,'ScoreboardText', pos.x, pos.y +10, color,1)
  198. end
  199. draw.DrawText(name,'ScoreboardText', pos.x, pos.y -10, color,1)
  200. end
  201. end
  202. end
  203. concommand.Add('at_esp_on',function()
  204. enabled =true
  205. LocalPlayer():ChatPrint(Hack ..'ESP - Enabled')
  206. end)
  207. concommand.Add('at_esp_off',function()
  208. enabled =false
  209. end)

Garry’s Mod Scripts Releases TO USE THE SCRIPTS PASTE THEM INTO NOTEPAD AND SAVE AS.LUA Client Side. GMOD HACKS (SMEG HACK + BYPASS) FREE DOWNLOAD 2017 will not let you down and do what this program was made to do. All features are included and described in notes.txt file after download and installation. GMOD HACKS (SMEG HACK + BYPASS) FREE DOWNLOAD 2017 has WINDOWS, MAC OS X, and Latest mobile platforms supported. We are adapting our tools to.

Smeg hack garrys mod minecraftGarry

Garry's Mod Darkrp Hacks

What is Pay What You Want? Pay what you want means you can pay whatever price you want as long as it is more than the minimum price (in this case ).

This entry was posted on 18.09.2019.