Is Starcraft 2 Dead


Competitive sc2 didn't stop being fun to watch, but casual play feel off a cliff and those players. Starcraft 2 has been dead for a while. Film game of thrones sub indo.

  1. Starcraft Scarlett
I originally was writing a response to a thread in the BW forum relating to 'What killed SC2?', but it ended up as a blog instead.

I've admittedly always felt that laziness, ego, and greed destroyed SC2. Almost every video game that was ever made was typically just a 'fad' for a certain period of time when you really look at each's individual timeline. If you think about what a fad actually is, it explains for itself why the next fad that follows gains the most attention and can even explain the progression of developments in video games since the beginning. Furthermore, it also points to why people always found the drive to find new and better ways to allow oneself to step further into a world that they made a reality. In the end, the next best thing, or the newest technology is what ends up getting the most attention. Improvements can hardly ever be shunned, as growing and becoming better is a rewarding process to partake in, but when the uproar is over the attention and money ends up elsewhere. Typically, that also means moving on to new things that can make even more money, which can be attributed to the ego and desire for more or better, but in the end a lot of video games get the attention for a very short time.
Starcraft II had a good run compared to the vast majority of most video games ever made, and still is being played pretty widely, despite the feeling of despair for the health of the game overall. The pro scene in Starcraft II surely made a lot of people happy, and also a lot of people disappointed. It made a lot of people money, and also made some lose it. Whether you're up or your down, it is very easy to forget that the reality of a 'professional scene' is a huge blessing for any game video game, and quite a wonderful reality that was created, by people just like us, that invested their passion, love, and wealth to create what truly brought everyone together. It undoubtedly shouldn't be taken for granted.
SC:BW forever live in the history of video games and eSports in general. South Korea respected Brood War as if it was almost one of their own children, and kept it alive. It fed it even when it meant not feeding itself. It groomed it and had patience to let it grow into what it wanted to be. Being a parent is something that I know many of you have now grown to understand and respect, and if you further imagine BW as a child in Korea from the paren'ts point of view, you'd realize that there were just as many of the bad times as the good times behind the scenes, as anything with a life in duality, and giving love to something that seems to scorn the history of care you provided it is never an easy situation to deal with. Children grow up, and sometimes they go away. But you're still their loving parent until the end, and you'll never lose the memories that you made.
You can attribute turning your back on duties to laziness, and myself being an American, I've seen the masses around me simply drop a game they said that they loved in a heart beat for the next best thing. And then that's all they talk about. I was victim to this when I got World Of Warcraft for a month because that's what people were talking about in American life. It's similar with any popular culture topic or item. There's good and bad sides to everything, and SC2 was released over a decade after the initial game with a lot of up to the times graphics and game play, but 2010 was knee-deep in the social media internet era, and a lot of crappy games got marketed pretty hard at the same time. Some of those games eventually stood out, but again, also some ended up with a short lived lifespan when everyone moved on to the next. These same games stabbed SC2 in the dark per-say, and I was there to witness it transpire, but you can also blame the player base who gave up the SC2 dream for an easier and more social game, that most of their friends were playing also. Those games were targeted at the masses, who wanted easy games that wouldn't cost them money and would give a lot of reward for little effort. Neither StarCraft game has been super easy to learn and become experienced with. There's heartbreak and anger for everyone, but sadly that means less people feel the rewards of hard effort these days. That's turns into an entirely different discussion, though.
Again, ego, laziness, and greed. Social pressures, boredom, and 'free'.
With all that being said, not many other video games have had a history like the StarCraft franchise, and you can thank all of your fellow TL members and everyone around the world for keeping it alive. We all have mixed feelings about the remaster, because change is never easily accepted by the consensus of people, but the fact it's getting the attention that Blizzard stopped giving in the early 2000's is a blessing in itself.
Because of SC:BW and the remaster, I truly feel that SC2 will always have a life line, and may even grow up and take the reigns back later with a patch or decision that might make everything 'click', or maybe even some small changes or accidents that get untouched and exploited, similar to it's older sibling BW. The intricacies and randomization that occur with BW is part of the reason it's been such an exciting game to compete with all of these years. Many games over mankind's history have involved some sort of chance factor, or luck, and when you add chance one will experience a sensation of the highest highs, and sometimes the lowest of lows, similar to the sensation when one gambles. Some would shun gambling altogether, but it explains the drive to try again, and again. SC2 may simply be waiting, similar to a seed that knows that when the time is right, it will germinate into something beautiful--and that could mean that it could be short lived as well, similar to flowers that bloom once and die, but still beautiful nonetheless.
There are many, many features besides 1:1 game play that can be explored more fully in SC2, and the amount of customization the map making software provides is still a vastly unexplored frontier. Team play has never quite had the same feel to me as it did in BW, but due to SC2's various chat interfaces in game and outside, another huge complaint has always been a lack of society or comradery, and weak communication features. I would also add to the masses about how difficult it is to look at the mini map and really tell what's going on in a 2:2 or 3:3 compared to playing a 2:2 Python on BW or 3:3 Hunters, etc. Either way, I still have hope for the game.
D.O.T.A. became one of the most popular games worldwide (also predecessor to League of Legends), and it was originally just a custom map made for WarCraft III.
It's up to us to keep the StarCraft universe alive.

Starcraft Scarlett

Honestly just seems like people are here to complain
which is fine because when people say dead game they mean
they feel nothing when they play the game and probably are considering
being done with it.
Maybe if you listened to their feelings instead of going the route of the game is alive because you feel something when you play it so they are wrong and spoiled and bad!!!
lol just realize what this actually is
(Btw feelings and subjectivity in art / aethestics in philosophy is the
only thing that matters if you can't wrap your head around that your probably
a moral realist who isn't worth my time lol.)
People have feelings and say the game is alive objectively some have bad experiences and say it is dead. It is better to listen and tell them what you got out of it instead of doing all the retarded sc2 elitism.
Anyway i feel nothing when i play, to me i feel like if direct strike units and commanders became apart of 1v1 or a casual 1v1 section i would probably enjoy that for a few more years.
Yeah i realize i'm being selfish the game was wonderful i had alot of good memories before i came to this place and got hours of time, i got my moneys worth just hear me out.
I live in poverty and i think that sc2 is kind of a middle class / 20-40% quintile household income hobby that is hard to sustain.
I don't have much time and when i do all i can do is stave off suicidal thoughts // hope no one stabs me / yells at me again.
I think the time investment is a problem but i don't know how to get around it.
I think stressful factors i can't control encouraging me to be a weaker man then i choose that, (I take full responbility for choosing this.) also don't help.
ON top of that i think 1v1 could do more to bring me back to it.
Nathanias made a wonderful criticism of the NA ladder server and how the FPS can be hell sometime.
THe engine is way to old and maybe if it was lightly redone to look more sharp it would be better.
If the game balance focused on scaling down in damage like in broodwar instead of sc2 where it scales up.
Lots of reasons i can think of why i feel empty toward this game presently.
Mainly how lonely 1v1 is.
Here i have an idea this would make me play more and if i was just having a bad night because someone thought it would be a good idea to stick metal into my body or yell at me at work.
Why not make 1v1 have obs or multiple people able to party up?
(Someone else suggested a clan wars thing in 1v1 that sounds cool to!)
((Maybe only clan wars uses tournament to fix that to.))
If i was just really depressed and just wanted to spend time with somebody
icould do so by learning the game with them and chatting about their game with them. They could feel better and release frustration after loses.
And i could feel better and enjoy fun chats with them.
I mean i don't expect it to be good everytime maybe i'm to back seat gaming // bother them to much or maybe they focus on the negative to much but
hey it would be something
and i'm sure i could find someone who would became a great person to
1v1 obs with
that would take alot of the stress off for me
make it easier to choose to play even tho it feels hard
but maybe i'm just forcing something that is over
maybe i'm just not capable of playing this game and i should just
move on and enjoy other games / communities with my old roleplay buddies
always feel better after a roleplay session or chat in discord its very nice
i'd like to see a sense of community in sc2
a sense of people apprieciating each other.
eh i'm not good at that tho
it would be a net gain for the community if i left
i don't feel much of antyhing
and my speculation is useless
it was a hell of a ride (y)
i will always remember singing when i'm grandmaster with taylor and andy
for me
Short: Yes.
Long: Yes it is.

i wil always love this game. this is the only game i have ever really felt passionate about. i have carpal tunnel pains in both hands, but really really bad on my right hand and i get incredible pain when i play for more than a game or two. its important to keep in mind that a lot of players are quitting for this reason and not because they dislike the game. its also important to remember that a lot of us have grown up and our goals have changed.
ive been playing RTS since warcraft ll. my dad used to set me up against the AI when I was 5 years old and I was raised on this game. some of my earliest memories are playing for hours on end against the AIs in WC2 and being amazed at how creative these games were.
i think the game is too competitive in nature, and to be good you have to practice an incredible amount. if you also have a hobby like piano like myself, you will encounter CTS fast. simply put: im 26 years old and i am functionally disabled from playing computer games, handwriting, and I feel like this is a story I have read and heard from so many players in sc2. i used to work with disabled populations in my professional life and one of the things that they always expressed to me was how depressing it was to really enjoy something like a sport or hobby and be unable to do it anymore after investing a mountain worth of time into it. i never understood it until just this year when I took on more professional responsibilities and started to encounter extreme pain in my hands and wrists (both sides.. but right is significantly worse). it is worse than any heartbreak I have gone through, worse than any poverty, worse than anything. I cant begin to describe how much I feel this game has 'taken' from my life, and to not be able to play it anymore without feeling pain and that I am furthering an injury has affected me emotionally. when i login and play a few games, the pain starts to kick in on an emotional level as well and I find myself near tears because it is so frustrating.
wondering if anyone feels the same. i love this game and havent missed a single GSL match since fruitdealer ate his champion ship with the ubercleaving ultras.
I think the necro bumper needs a therapist.
I think the necro bumper needs a therapist.
But for real tho the game is much more supported in the Co-op seance then PVP and arcade.
Starcraft II is not dead.
This 2017 post is.
  1. For Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'Destiny says Starcraft 2 will be dead before LoV'.
  2. StarCraft Free and Remastered version have differences in graphics, audio, cost, availability to play, multiplayer options & more. Video Game News & Guides. Red Dead Redemption 2. Red Dead Redemption 2 Rock Carving Locations – Geology For Beginners. Assassin's Creed Odyssey. Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Legendary Chest Map Locations.
Well atleast we can hug our blankets and listen to the GSL C:
Even tho sc2 is distant from me and i will be enjoying less time consuming
/damaging games. It will always be one of my favorites.
That and halo with the brothers c: of course.
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This entry was posted on 19.09.2019.