Mass Effect Destiny Ascension

  1. Save The Council Or Not

Tempest trophies are collectibles in Mass Effect Andromeda. They’re figurines and replicas you can use to decorate your personal quarters aboard the Tempest. They’ll let you customize your bedroom and make it more pleasant. Some can be purchased from vendors, while others have to be discovered in the wild. In this guide, we’re going to show you all Mass Effect Andromeda Tempest trophies, how to get them.

Tempest trophy locations in ME: Andromeda

There are 18 of them in total, and each represents a vehicle from the series. Here’s how to get them:

The Destiny Ascension is the flagship of the Citadel Fleet, a powerful asari. Requires: Samara's survival during the Suicide Mission in Mass Effect 2 and a. Third, in the event that the character is a human, there will be no Spectre status made available to you. It’s only been 25 years since Humanity made themselves known to the Galaxy at whole. And this is before the events of the first Mass Effect, so even Shepard isn’t a Spectre.

NameLocationHow to get
NormandyNexusFound in Alec Ryder’s room
CitadelNexusBought from General Merchant
Kett FlaghsipNexusBought from General Merchant
NexusNexusBought from General Merchant
NomadNexusBought from General Merchant
MWS FighterNexusObtained during Krogan Betrayal quest in Spender’s apartment
TempestTempestReward for completing Movie Night quest
HyperionEosFound in Eos Outpost once you’ve established it
Destiny AscensionElaadenFound near the bar in New Tuchanka, in the east
Angaran ShuttleAyaReward for completing A Trail of Hope quest
Remnant FighterAyaBought from General Merchant
Athabasca Class FreighterAyaFound in Aya Embassy once you’ve built it
Turian FrigateVoeldFound in Voeld Outpost
Kett ShutttleKadaraBought from General Merchant
MSW ShuttleKadaraFound in Kadara Outpost once you’ve established it
Alliance DreadnaughtKadaraFound above the clinic in Kadara Slums
MWS TransportKadaraFound in side room in Kadara Outpost
Kett FighterKadaraFound in Sloane’s chambers at Kadara Outpost
Remnant DerelictMeridianFound in epilogue, on Ryder’s desk

They’re a nice way to decorate what is essentially your home. While most of the figures are vehicles from Andromeda, Mass Effect veterans will notice a couple of familiar names in the list. It’s a nice way to pay homage to the original trilogy.

Chapter 149 - The Destiny Ascension

Shepard and Liara are greeted in one of the massive docking bays of the Destiny Ascension by Matriarch Lidanya herself, along with a full asari commando honor guard of at least thirty proud and battle-scarred maidens and matrons. Shepard can't stop herself from gawking around at the amazing ship, almost feeling as if she is on the Citadel, the ship is comparable in size with a small space station. So entranced is Morgan that she almost stumbles while pulling their luggage out of the shuttle's cargo space, Lidanya quickly ordering the commandos to help them with the baggage.

'I can't tell you both how honored we are to receive such esteemed guests aboard of our ship,' Lidanya steps forward, warmly greeting Shepard first and then Liara. 'We have prepared the most comfortable quarters for your use, they are on the same deck as mine.'

'Thank you, Matriarch, you are very kind,' Shepard smiles, Liara nodding at her side.

'You must be tired after the packing and the journey, but I insist that tomorrow you allow me to personally accompany you on a tour of the ship, and follow that up with a dinner at the captain's quarters,' Lidanya says.

'That sounds lovely, thank you, Matriarch,' Liara says gratefully.


'Right now, I imagine you will want to see your new quarters and settle in, yes?' Lidanya asks, receiving two slightly tired and eager nods in response. 'I heard some rumors about what finally made you decide to leave Earth, Commander,' she adds, looking at Shepard sympathetically. 'It is unthinkable that your own people would do something like this to the savior of the galaxy. Rest assured, you will never face such attitude from the asari people, your bravery and heroism will never be forgotten. You saved the galaxy, saved us all, and if you had to make some hard choices along the way... well, that only further reinforces the legends of your resolve and determination.'

All that Morgan can do is to muster a smile in return, struggling not to let the emotions get the better of her, which is difficult to manage when she notices the asari commandos looking at her all as one, grinning, nodding approvingly and cheering. 'Thank you, Matriarch Lidanya, you show great kindness once again,' Liara speaks up for Morgan. 'You have also robbed Shepard of speech with your moving words, but she is as thankful to you as I am, let me assure you.'

'It is you who show kindness with your mere presence, young one,' Lidanya says softly, looking at Liara with a smile. 'So, I hope that you will forgive me for one small indiscretion.' Liara faces the matriarch with a questioning look, Lidanya stepping a little aside and allowing another younger asari to approach. 'I understand that your condition is becoming increasingly delicate,' Lidanya says, casting a quick glance at Liara's bulging belly. 'Considering that you require regular checkups and monitoring, I have assigned the best specialist aboard the Destiny Ascension to look after you and your child. I hope that you will not hold such intrusion into your private matters against me.'

'Well, I... already had an obstetrician on the Citadel...' Liara mutters, looking a little uncomfortable. 'But... I suppose this would be more convenient...'

'That was my thinking as well. Your doctor on the Citadel is willing to forward your file as soon as she receives your permission,' Lidanya says, then gesturing at the asari coming to stand silently by her side. 'This is Dr. Lorisia, she has extensive experience in cases similar to yours, Liara. I trust that she will be able to help through these last months of your pregnancy.'

'Pleased to meet you, Dr. Lorisia,' Shepard steps up to the other asari and offers her hands for the ritual greeting, taking an immediate liking to the doctor, seeing the crisp intelligence in the asari's deeply scrutinizing and insightful stare as Dr. Lorisia looks at her and Liara in turn. Not sure how I feel about Lidanya's strange choice of words, though. Liara's 'case'? I know she said that it's slightly more risky due to her age, but... uh, maybe I should have done a bit more research into the situation for myself? Liara does tend to... downplay things when she doesn't want to alarm me, she has that sort of irritating habit...

Liara also steps forward to greet the doctor. 'I am pleased to meet you, Dr. Lorisia, and I very much look forward to working with you,' she joins her hands with the doctor. 'I have faith in Matriarch Lidanya's judgment, if she claims that you are the best specialist in the fleet, then I trust her words unconditionally.'

'I thank you for your trust in my abilities, Dr. T'Soni,' Lorisia says in a low, soothing voice, but there is a quiet strength to it. 'It is a pleasure to meet you and the great Commander Shepard,' she adds, turning to smile at Morgan. 'Now... with the matriarch's permission, I will escort you to your quarters. There are some things that I wish to clarify before I come up with the appointment and test schedule.'

'...very well,' Liara agrees, giving Morgan the distinct impression that she would prefer to have this discussion with Dr. Lorisia in private, making Shepard's suspicion grow rapidly that there might be something that she is unaware of.

'Wait, our luggage,' Morgan finally snaps out of her inquisitive staring at the two asari, turning around and looking a little helplessly at the crates and suitcases.

'Don't worry about it, Shepard,' one of the younger commandos quickly steps up, smiling at her. 'We'll take care of it, you just follow the doctor, okay?'

Shepard smiles in return, parting from Lidanya as well and setting to follow Liara and Dr. Lorisia out of the docking bay and into the wide circular hallways, signs for elevator access blinking several hundred yards ahead of them. Seeing that Lorisia is gesticulating animatedly towards Liara, her bondmate shrugging her shoulders in response, Shepard wastes no time in catching up with them. 'Is there a problem here?' she asks, worried.

'No, we were just having a... difference of opinion,' Liara replies hastily.

'Yes, there is a problem,' Dr. Lorisia sighs, continuing to face Liara with a harsh stare. 'Will you tell Commander Shepard, or should I?'

'Tell me what?' Shepard asks, now also facing Liara with a stare that demands an explanation.

'I did tell you that because of my age, there might be complications with my pregnancy,' Liara says, staring her straight in the eyes and not flinching. 'What I didn't do was to tell you the odds that the doctors had given me while you were still lying sedated and recovering from your injuries.'

'What were those odds like?' Shepard grinds out, feeling a deep throbbing slowly rising in her temples as her blood pressure quickly spikes from the anxiety.

'It does not matter what they were,' Liara shrugs. 'They are much better now, because of the work I've done together with my obstetrician... and some other help I've had.' She turns to look to Dr. Lorisia. 'When you get my file, you'll be able to see for yourself the progress I've made.'

'Liara. The odds,' Shepard hisses, unwilling to drop the issue.

'Shepard, please-' Liara tries, but Morgan shakes her head resolutely. 'Fine. They could give only 20% chance that both me and the baby would survive.'

Morgan lets out a strangled gasp, staggering visibly. 'Oh... gods.' She stands silent for a while, trying to gather her bearings, before facing Liara again, unable to contend her ire. 'You... did it to me again. I can't believe it, but you did it to me again. I... don't know what to say...'

'What was I supposed to tell you, Shepard?' Liara stares back at her, still resolute, even if tears begin to escape from the corners of her eyes. 'You were so depressed about everything that was happening, about Anderson, your mother, EDI, Joker, the situation on Earth... about your own people casting you out. Did you honestly think that under these circumstances I could tell you that there was a very real possibility that I would lose this baby... the one thing that had dragged you back to the world of living when you had all but given up? I regret what I had to do, but I could not take this hope away from you.'

'I... damn... I get what you're saying,' Shepard grinds out, struggling to keep herself from starting to hyperventilate. 'It's just... being lied to hurts. Being lied to really hurts, Liara, no matter the intentions.'

'I... know,' Liara chokes back a sob, more and more tears escaping down her cheeks and she ineffectually tries to wipe her cheeks clean with her hands. 'I am sorry that what I had to do is hurting you now. I am sorry if with my actions I have broken the trust between us. But I will maintain that I did the right thing. It was an unpleasant decision that I had to make, but I stand by it. I had to protect you, and I would do the same again.'

'Damn it, Liara,' Morgan sighs, feeling defeated and suddenly very exhausted. 'Down the road, we really need to start working on some of these trust issues... and at least now that the cat is out of the bag, you're going to tell me exactly what we're facing here.'

'Perhaps I should explain some simple truths about the asari gestation,' Lorisia speaks up. If she feels uncomfortable because of the scene that had unfolded before her eyes just moments prior, the good doctor manages to hide it. 'There are a great many dangers involved in this particular case. Liara is almost a century short of the age where it becomes safe for the asari to have children.'

'Geez... oh, and now I get why you wouldn't speak to your father!' Shepard manages, giving Liara another reprimanding stare, her bondmate wincing as if in pain from that particular memory. 'You knew she was going to raise a storm! Gods... why did nobody else tell me? Tevos, or Aria, or any asari!'

'They would have thought that your bondmate has informed you of all the dangers involved. They could have never even imagined that not having been the case,' Lorisia says simply.

'Okay... see, Liara, nobody could ever believe that you would do something this dumb,' Morgan gives another pointed stare to her bondmate, Liara only responding with a deep sigh. 'Anyway, I interrupted you, Dr. Lorisia, please go ahead.'

'Of course, Commander. In the past few hundred years, there have been only a few cases like this, because generally our people just know better than to try something this risky,' Shepard can't stop but to lose her irritation for a moment, chuckling at the attempted glare that Liara gives to the doctor. 'Usually the loss of the child occurs in around 40% of all cases, and we lose mother around 10% of the time.'

'Seriously, if you're going to tell me that the most advanced race in the galaxy doesn't know how to perform a C-section, I'm going to don Darth Vader's mask and shout 'LIARA! NOOOOO!' from the top of my lungs,' Shepard says, rolling her eyes in exasperation, then moving to explain as she sees both the asari facing her with surprised stares. 'Ugh, sorry, obscure cultural reference, ignore that.'

'I... believe I know what you mean, Commander. You are absolutely correct, the childbirth will have to be surgically assisted, due to her age Liara cannot give birth naturally,' Lorisia explains. 'Perhaps if you decide to have another child in eighty to one hundred years... oh, how inconsiderate of me,' she suddenly blushes, thinking she has made an embarrassing gaffe, remembering that Shepard is a human.

'That's quite alright, Dr. Lorisia, I am not an average human, I am so full with weird cybernetic implants that I will live quite a bit beyond normal human lifespan,' Shepard elaborates with a smile.

'Oh, how interesting... perhaps when you stop by the medbay with Liara, you would not object to me taking a few scans?' the asari doctor inquires, looking very curious and excited.

'How unexpected... but sure, doctor,' Shepard grins, giving Liara a conspiring look. 'See, I have that effect on all the doctors.'

Mass effect destiny ascension fanfiction

'How wonderful! But... getting back to the topic of Liara's pregnancy, there is another concern, and it has to do with how the fetus develops. I will try to explain this in very simple layman's terms. The formation of the child's mental faculties is largely shaped by the mental bond that the child shares with their mother. It is generally believed that maidens of Liara's tender age simply do not possess the ability or experience to shape their child's mind properly.'

'I can do it, Dr. Lorisia. I will gladly allow you to run all the necessary tests for you to see that I have made great progress,' Liara speaks with stern determination. 'I have been working on it, and I believe that my bond with the baby is strong. The files that you will receive from my obstetrician will prove it.'

'To be honest, Liara is not a typical maiden, Dr. Lorisia,' Shepard says, finally allowing herself to direct a small conciliatory smile towards her bondmate. 'She often displays wisdom more befitting a noble matriarch, and the things she has experienced have made her wise far beyond her years, so perhaps she does have what it takes to pull it off.'

'I will... withhold my comment on this matter until I have read the files and ran all the tests,' Lorisia sighs, probably finding it difficult to reconcile the 'wisdom befitting a matriarch' with putting herself through such dangers of early pregnancy. 'There are other things that also concern me,' the doctor then admits. 'I know that Liara has suffered considerable injuries and has also been under tremendous stress over the course of her pregnancy. Furthermore, you have not had access to enough eezo rich food that a mother-to-be would usually have on her diet during this time. This might lead to your child being less biotically gifted, though that would be the least of my worries at this point...'

'Err... okay, now I'm really scared again,' Morgan admits, feeling herself trembling slightly. 'I must know what we can do to give Liara and the baby the best possible chance?'

'Commander, you must make sure that Liara does not suffer from undue stress. My advice is to do regular melding, as often as possible. It doesn't have to be sexual, but I think it will only help if it is,' Lorisia's frank advice makes both Shepard and Liara blush heavily. 'This will keep your stress levels down.'

'I think we can do that, yes,' Morgan manages bashfully.

'I am certain that you can, yes,' Lorisia smiles. 'Also, you will follow all my advice down to the letter. And you will keep a tight appointment schedule and you will not miss any of those visits. Are we clear on this, Dr. T'Soni? I know that the political situation sometimes may demand your involvement, but right now, you must leave these concerns to the others and think only about the health of your child. Can you do this?'

Save The Council Or Not

'Yes, absolutely,' Liara nods fervently, her dedication and resolve actually managing to help Morgan relax a little bit. 'Right now, there is little else on my mind than the baby, Dr. Lorisia.'

'I will make sure to accompany Liara on every visit from now on,' Morgan nods. 'Please, doctor, once you have the appointment plan sketched out, send me a copy of it, I simply want to make sure we don't forget or miss anything.'

'You will receive it shortly, Commander,' Lorisia says, then smiling encouragingly. 'But now you two really need to get to your quarters and rest. Follow me, the elevator leads almost directly to your rooms... oh yes, and don't forget what I told you about regular melds. It is very important.'

'We won't forget, you can count on that, doc,' Morgan smiles, then turning towards Liara. Despite still feeling rather hurt by Liara's decision to withhold the truth, she does her best to swallow the resentment and gives her bondmate a comforting hug before they turn to follow Dr. Lorisia. 'Damn, if only all doctors prescribed this kind of 'medicine'...' she only chuckles, as they step into the elevator.

'Wait... can you take this a few frames back... yeah, that's it... damn, this guy looks familiar, I'm pretty sure I have seen him before,' Garrus Vakarian rubs his chin, feeling irritated, watching the only very brief snippet of salvaged security footage from the turian attack on the quarian enclave. 'But where...' he muses, Primarch Victus and Councilor Sparatus standing next to him, trying not to appear too impatient. Even if their intentions are to avoid putting added pressure on Garrus, the two turian leaders clearly fail to look relaxed.

'...wait, I have an idea,' Garrus suddenly exclaims, thinking of something. 'I can't remember who he is, but I can remember where I saw him. I'm pretty sure it was at our groundside enclave. Can we get some footage from down there?'

'I can arrange as much material as you want, Vakarian, just let me get in contact with Commander Tabirian,' Victus speaks quickly, walking to one of the communications consoles in Sparatus' office at the Council chambers on the Citadel. 'Right... she's uploading a week's worth of it, hopefully that will be enough.'

Garrus shrugs impatiently. 'Depends on how lucky we are,' he says, starting to play the first vid, scrolling through it quickly with his trained C-Sec eye.

Over half an hour later, Garrus is already on the fourth of the three hour long vids, but the two dignitaries with him appear to be quickly becoming impatient. 'Surely there is a good enough facial recognition software available, so that you would not need to do this process manually, this might take us days and not lead anywhere,' Sparatus remarks, frustrated.

'I'm not looking for a facial recognition,' Garrus replies, a little annoyed at the interruption. 'It was the way he was walking... almost as if with a limp but not quite, dragging his left leg just a little... close to imperceptible, but I've learned to notice such things.'

Sparatus shuts up at that, pulling up the original file again and replaying it several times to see if he has missed anything, Victus coming to stand alongside him to also watch the footage. 'I don't see any limp,' the councilor mutters, after having viewed the vid five or six more times.

'It's... not really a limp as such, but I think I see what Garrus means,' Victus says, nodding. 'Damn, I wouldn't trust my eyes to recognize the guy, though. If you can pull this off Vakarian, I'll be damn impressed.'

'Oh, I'll pull it off, Primarch. It's like that one time a smart-ass geth tried to teach me how to calibrate Normandy's weapons systems. Did you know that I am the turian who taught the geth how to blush from embarrassment, Councilor?' he says, turning back to Sparatus.

The other turian gives a strained laugh despite himself. 'Well, I just hope your self-esteem is merited,' he then adds.

'Have no doubt about that... oh, by the spirits of the homeworld, look at that!' Garrus suddenly exclaims, pointing at the screen, then zooming in to point out one of the armored turians patrolling around the enclave. 'There's our guy, I'd stake my life on it! Think I can see lieutenant's stripes,' he adds, pulling the image closer.

'Hold it, I'm sending it down to Tabirian to pull a location and an ID,' Victus says urgently, Sparatus scowling at the Primarch a bit for his rough treatment of the console, trying to send the message as quickly as possible. Barely two minutes pass when the console beeps and Victus swiftly reads the reply. 'Lieutenant Barnas. One of the Blackwatch? Damn it.'

'Even they can go bad, Primarch,' Sparatus reminds him. 'Do you have the location or not?'

'Currently off-duty, but Tabirian tells me that he has taken a shuttle back to the ship he was based on, the Invulnerable,' Victus replies. 'Trying to raise their captain, give me a moment...' Five more minutes pass. 'Oh, come on... he's taken a shuttle to the Citadel for his shore leave? This guy is trying to lead us on a merry chase.'

'I agree, trying to cover tracks just in case,' Garrus nods.

'Well, he can't just disappear in thin air! I'm going to issue a fleet wide search for this Lieutenant Barnas,' Victus speaks, determined to find the culprit quickly. 'I'm going to bring C-Sec in on this as well, they have more eyes on the Citadel than we do.'

Three hours pass in nervous waiting, nobody daring to leave the room, the bowl of refreshments scrounged up by one of Sparatus' aides remaining untouched, despite Garrus finding himself starving, a familiar feeling by now, but his stomach has turned into a tense knot, making him unable to even think of the food. Lately, he often finds himself suffering from lightheadedness and bouts of feebleness, making him question the wisdom of claiming that he is able to tolerate the disgusting mix of levo and dextro-based food. In reality, he ends vomiting it all up most of the time, but there is absolutely no way that he would reveal this to his peers or anyone.

'Finally, we have something,' Victus finally exclaims, breaking the tense silence, the other two immediately crowding him at the console. 'Someone at the C-Sec came through, it seems. Lieutenant Ridgefield, remind me to thank her on behalf of the Hierarchy.'

'I'll buy her a crate of beer, that'll be all the gratitude she would wish for,' Garrus chuckles, earning himself looks that urge him to explain. 'Old colleague from C-Sec days, I know her well. With your permission, I can handle thanking her in person.'

'Very well,' Victus nods. 'Barnas has paid for a Citadel shuttle to take him to one of the turian frigates... Endurance. That has to be our target... yes, I'm sure of it, look who's the acting captain. Commander Klaril Vitrani, former Blackwatch.'

'Get us a comm line to her ship, Primarch. Pull it up on the vid screen, hopefully she will take the call and we can intimidate her to back down,' Sparatus orders.

'You clearly don't have a lot of experience dealing with the Blackwatch,' Victus mutters, still doing as he is told, waiting for someone on the Endurance to respond to his message and open a vid link.

After less than a minute of waiting, the call is accepted, and a figure of a turian woman appears on the screen, the captain herself standing on the bridge, her arms crossed on her chest, already having assumed a defensive posture. While by turian standards she is undeniably attractive, with the deep purple markings on her crestless face and piercing pale blue eyes, she also appears cold and uncompromising to Garrus, which is only to be expected from someone with Blackwatch experience.

'Such esteemed greeting committee,' Commander Vitrani scowls, not bothering to salute, clearly understanding the reasons behind this call. 'To what do I owe this honor?'

'You harbor a fellow turian sought in connection with the attack on the quarian supply depot,' Sparatus formally informs her. 'You will cooperate and hand Lieutenant Barnas over to the C-Sec forces to be charged and tried under the Council laws. You will also submit your ship to marine squads tasked with finding and recovering the supplies stolen from the quarian depot.'

'Stolen?' Vitrani barks out a bitter laugh. 'How do you steal something that is yours by right?'

'That is not your decision to make, Commander,' Victus reminds her harshly. 'You will stand down or face the harshest of consequences.'

'Why would I listen to those who have sold our people out to those traitorous suit-rats who gorge themselves on the supplies meant for my people? How do I look in the eyes of those who are even now dying from food poisoning and cling to their lives with the accusing thought that I have done nothing to help them? Barnas did what needed to be done and you know it. We will not stand down!'

'Do you understand what you are doing, Commander Vitrani?' Victus raises his voice a notch higher. 'You are disobeying a direct order from your superior. You bring dishonor not only on your entire family, but on anyone serving under you!'

'Clearly, my people do not believe so. They stand with me,' Vitrani replies proudly, straightening out. 'The majority of the supplies have already been distributed amongst those in most need of them. You will never recover those supplies to hand them back to your beloved suit-rats. I have done what I could to help my people... can any of you say the same?'

'Yes, we can,' Sparatus replies confidently. 'I know you believe that you are doing the right thing, Commander, but you are missing the larger picture. The quarians are our allies, not our enemies, and by supporting an unlawful act of violence, disrupting peace and endangering delivery of further food supplies, your actions have placed the fate of our people into an even more precarious position!'

There is a noticeable twitch in Klaril Vitrani's beautiful face, the councilor's words making her hesitate. 'And if we refuse to stand down? Will you destroy my ship for trying to save our people?' she finally says, recovering her momentarily lost resolve.

'No, we will shoot you down for committing war crimes, Commander,' Victus presses harshly. 'You have fifteen minutes before the boarding parties arrive to relieve you of command.' He's bluffing, he wouldn't shoot our own frigate and lose all the precious supplies on it, Garrus thinks, silently praying he is correct.

'Surrender would mean admitting that what we did was wrong, and that would bring dishonor upon me, my family and my crew,' the turian woman shakes her head solemnly, Garrus finding himself quietly admiring the strength of her convictions, deluded as they might be.

'Give up, Commander. There is nowhere in the Sol System for you to hide and you know it,' Sparatus adds, trying to get through to the stubborn female officer.

'But we do not plan to stay and hide in the Sol System, honored Councilor,' Vitrani says in a low voice, drawing herself tall and proud again, her voice trembling a little as she now speaks. 'Spirits of hallowed ancestors, we place our lives in your hands to decide whether our actions have been honorable or not... we acted in the best interests of the fleet, we did it for the turian people, for Palaven!'

'What is that madwoman planning now?' Sparatus sighs, as the vid feed from the Endurance is terminated. 'Primarch, we need eyes on the fleet, get our ships to chase them down, but don't open fire unless they shoot first.'

'They will not open fire on a fellow turian ship, Vitrani is too obsessed by her delusions of maintaining her honor,' Victus replies, quickly alerting the fleet and rousing five other frigates to look for the Endurance, to try to corner the rebel ship and force it to surrender.

'Any sight of them yet?' Garrus asks, not liking the situation one bit, Vitrani having looked like someone who had been pushed a little too far over the edge, prone to do something unreasonable.

'They have abandoned the fleet and appear to be escaping,' Victus replies, the messages from the other frigates flowing before his eyes on the screen.

'Escaping? Escaping where? There's nowhere to run! They don't have nowhere enough supplies or fuel to reach Palaven without using the mass relays!' Sparatus exclaims.

'Can you extrapolate their flight vector?' Garrus asks quickly.

'Just a moment...' Victus tries to get a quick update from the fleet again. 'They're heading towards this dwarf planet in the asteroid belt, Pluto they call it?'

'Pluto, nothing! They're heading for the Charon Relay!' Garrus realizes, suddenly understanding what Vitrani had meant by placing their lives in the hands of their ancestors. 'They're going to try and attempt a mass relay jump!'

Mass Effect Destiny Ascension

'But they are still testing the relay! It is not safe, they could destroy the relay and with it eradicate everyone in this system!' Sparatus shouts nervously, having realized the worst case scenario. 'We need to take them out before they kill us all!'

'They are beyond the firing range of our fleet, spirits be damned!' Victus curses angrily. 'Garrus, what are you doing?' he asks, seeing the other turian hastily trying to reach someone on the comm line.

'I want to get in touch with the science teams at the relay and warn them that a ship loaded with suicidal turians is incoming...' Garrus sighs, waiting for his call to be accepted.

'Hmm, odd...' the pilot of the relay repair team's base ship remarks to himself, watching strange and unexpected movement on the scanners of their small vessel. 'Kasumi, do you know if any other ships are supposed to be in the vicinity?' he asks of the petite thief, standing a little behind him and chatting with Dr. Cole, leader of the science team.

'Nope, Seb, can't think of anything,' Kasumi shrugs. She has arrived only a few hours ago, together with Bau in a shuttle, curious as to how the friends she had made during the Crucible construction are doing with the relay repairs. Together, they had watched the engineers releasing a dozen of probes through the relay and they appear to have endured the travel successfully, still Dr. Cole and Dr. Jelize both having been dissatisfied with the readings they had picked up, ordering the engineers to do further adjustments.

'Well, it seems to be heading... wait, there's someone on the comms asking for you,' Sebastian tells her urgently, Kasumi apologizing to Brynn and quickly throwing herself in the co-pilot's seat, before opening the comm channel.

'Kasumi, is that you?' she immediately recognizes the voice as turian and since there is only one turian amongst her friends, she realizes that it must be Garrus.

'Hey Garrus, what's up, you decided to steal a ship and give us a bit of a scare?' she asks flippantly, watching the dot on the scanners grow larger and larger.

'Err... not quite, though yes, there is a turian frigate approaching... with the intent to attempt a mass relay jump,' Garrus' explanation makes Kasumi shudder and feel her body go stiff from fear.

'What?! We have our people out there working on the relay! They're going to kill them!' Kasumi protests. 'Tell your crazy fellows to abort! This is madness!' Both Dr. Cole and Dr. Jelize rush into the cockpit as well, realizing that something is badly wrong, quickly understanding the gravity of the situation.

'There is no telling the damage this could cause, it might even make the relay to explode!' Brynn Cole speaks, pale and wringing her hands.

'This attempt is doomed to fail, their pilot has to be using the old coordinates for the approach corridor,' the asari, Jelize, speaks nervously. 'We have changed the parameters significantly, and they are not aware of it.'

'There's... nothing we can do, they are not responding on the comms,' Garrus says, his voice sounding very strained. 'Is there anything at all you can do to stop those fools?' he asks desperately.

'What could we possibly do to stop a turian warship?' Kasumi blinks. 'Oh, I know! We can throw datapads at it! Yes! That will work!'

'Goddess, those poor engineering teams working on the relay... even if we could warn them, they would never get to safety in time...' Jelize blanches deathly pale as she watches the turian frigate appear in the distance close by, ducking out from the shadow of Pluto.

'It's too late... they're here...' Brynn cries, instinctively grabbing her asari colleagues hand and holding it in an iron grip.

The frigate seems to be approaching by using what at first looks like a normal and safe jump vector. The mass relay eezo core lights up with the calming soft blue glow as the frigate travels between the relay's arms, entering the approach corridor. Small fires flicker here and there, probably from the frigate catching some of the equipment left behind by the engineers, or hitting some of the unfortunate workers themselves. As the Endurance travels forward through the relay arms, the frigate appears to come under tremendous forces pulling it to different sides, beginning to shake and swivel, unable to keep its trajectory. The graceful ship seems to be bursting at the seams, hull scrolling away like when peeling a banana and a few moments later all that is left of the Endurance is just a cloud of debris, the ship disintegrating before their very eyes, as the relay eezo core for a moment flickers angrily, but then settles down to the peaceful, soft blue, allowing them to relax a little as they look at the now again slightly damaged relay.

'Well... they must have gone through by now,' Garrus is the first one who resumes speaking on the comms sometime later. 'The relay doesn't seem to have exploded, since we're still alive... but did the Endurance make it?'

'No, Garrus... I'm sorry,' Kasumi replies, having shaken off the stunned feeling paralyzing her. 'They're gone... they're all gone...'

This entry was posted on 01.09.2019.