Short Link Second Skipper Greasemonkey

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Disclaimer: I am not Stephanie Meyer. I do not own Twilight.

Chapter Nine

My first day back at school was incredibly stressful. Jessica wasn't talking to me; she was hanging out with some Lauren girl who obviously didn't like me. Mike was trying to be protective best guy friend or something like that and followed me around everywhere. Tyler was constantly hanging around, trying to convince me that I wanted to go out with him on Friday. It was a constant headache.

Angela and Ben gave me my only reprieve. Neither one of them bothered me with information and just allowed me to sit with them at lunch. We talked about the usual stuff. What they were doing this weekend. What I was doing this weekend. Who was dating who. Just the usual gossip.

After lunch, I made my way to AP Biology. The absence of pain was surprising at first. I was so used to dreading Biology class because it's where Edward and I had first met. It had been difficult sitting next to his empty chair every day, but today I found myself wishing the class would end for a different reason.

I wanted to see Jake. I was missing him like crazy. There was a burning ache in my chest that had been there since late morning and was only getting worse. I would find myself rubbing my chest, trying to ease the ache, only to get odd stares from people. I was kind of used to them by now. After all, I'm the freaky girl who fell apart when he boyfriend dumped her and left without a second glance.

Biology and Gym took forever to get through. Maybe it's because I was watching the clock. Or maybe it was because I'd already learned everything in Biology and Gym was my least favorite subject. Or maybe some force was purposely slowing down time, enjoying my suffering.

At any rate, when that final bell rang, I was out of the school in no time.

My burnt orange truck hailed to me from across the parking lot and I hurried towards it. All the other students around me were taking their time, in no hurry to get home or to work or where ever it was they went after school. As I climbed into my truck, some one's shadow fell over me. I looked up to see Mike leaning against the side of my truck right beside the open door.

'Hi, Bella,' Mike grinned.

'Hey, Mike. What's up?' I asked, a little irritated at being delayed further.

'Listen, I know you already told me you can't go out this Friday, but I refuse to accept your excuse of you have 'homework'. I mean, you have the whole weekend to do homework. Go out with me Friday. We'll see a movie and do dinner. It'll be fun,' Mike tried to persuade me.

I sighed and glanced around the parking lot, hoping to see some form of escape.

'Look, Mike, it's not that I don't want to hang out with you. It's just, I have a boyfriend, okay?' I told him, wincing slightly as I did.

I really didn't want it getting around school. Not because I was ashamed to be with Jake, but because it would cause unwanted attention to be placed on me again.

'Oh. Okay, then. Um… who is it?' Mike asked, still trying to be friendly.

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'Jacob Black,' I answered, fiddling with my truck key.

'The kid from the Reservation? Bella, you've got to be kidding me! He's, like, what? Fourteen?' Mike laughed.

'He's sixteen. And, no, I am not kidding you,' I growled, glaring up at him.

'Whoa, easy there, Bella. I was just teasing. No, seriously, I think it's great that the two of you are together,' Mike smirked.

'Yeah, thanks, Mike,' I scoffed, rolling my eyes.

'Really, Bella. I'm happy you finally moved on from Cullen. He wasn't good for you,' Mike frowned, suddenly serious.

I looked up at him and felt bad for thinking such mean things about him. Mike wasn't really so bad. He just didn't know when to give up.

'Thanks, Mike. Believe me, Jake is much better,' I assured him with a smile.

'He better be. Otherwise me and the guys might have to go rough him up,' Mike teased, slamming his fist into his palm.

I laughed at the picture that made. Mike, Eric, Tyler, and Ben going up to Jake, Quil, and Embry was just too hilarious. I was doubled over from laughter as Mike started to punch the air, bouncing on the balls of his feet.

'I don't think you'll have to worry about that,' I wheezed, trying to catch my breath.

Mike stopped moving and smiled at me.

'It's good to hear you laughing again, Bella,' Mike said.

I blushed and tucked some hair behind my ear, looking at the ground.

'See you tomorrow,' Mike called, heading over to his car.

I looked after him and saw Tyler and Eric standing around waiting for him. I groaned and leaned back against my seat, realizing the entire school would know about me and Jake by tomorrow morning.

I reached out and pulled my door shut, turning the key in the ignition as I did. The truck roared to life, shuddering in protest. I smiled as I eased her out of the parking spot, thinking about Jake. The ache in my chest throbbed a little and I pushed down harder on the gas pedal.

It took me about thirty minutes to get to La Push. Throughout the drive, I caught glimpses of brown fur running alongside my truck. I had honked at Jared once, waving out the window, letting him know I knew he was there. Once I crossed the border, he disappeared from view, probably going home to see Kim. He'd been on Bella Watch all day and was, no doubt, eager to see her.

When I pulled into the driveway, I wasn't surprised to see Jake standing on his front porch. He smiled when I came to a stop and before I could even cut off the engine, he was opening my door.

'What are you doing here? I wasn't expecting to see you until tonight,' Jake smiled, pulling me into a hug.

'That would've been way too long. I've missed you all day. I couldn't go another hour without seeing you,' I mumbled, burying my head into his chest.

His hand rubbed slow circles up and down my back.

'I'm sorry. I forgot to tell you about that. I didn't think it was going to be that bad,' Jake sighed, resting his cheek against the top of my head.

'What is it?' I asked, leaning away to look up at him.

'The imprint bond. It makes it hard to be away from each other. It's nearly impossible for me to go even a day without seeing you. Sam tried it once with Emily and… I can't even explain to you the pain it brought him,' Jake choked out, obviously hurting at the thought of going through that.

'Well, lucky for us, you don't have to. I'm gonna make sure you see me every day for the rest of your life!' I teased, trying to ease the pain from his face.

It worked. He gave a little sigh and smiled down at me.

'You mean the rest of our lives. When you go, so do I,' Jake told me.

'What do you mean?' I asked.

'When I imprinted on you, our souls became connected. One soul can't survive without the other. You and me, we're going out of this world together,' Jake answered, kissing my hair.

I smiled at the thought. Most people were afraid of death, but with Jake by my side, death didn't seem so scary.

'I like the sound of that,' I smiled, placing a kiss right above his heart.

He gave me a squeeze before stepping back and taking my hand.

'So, what did you want to do today?' Jake asked, leading me towards the house.

'Ugh. I actually have a ton of homework to do. Do you have any work to do in the garage?' I asked, wrinkling my nose.

'Yeah, actually. One of Charlie's buds at the station has a Cavalier that's been giving it him some trouble. I offered to take a look at it and see if I could fix it. I'm way cheaper than the mechanics in Port Angeles,' Jake grinned, giving me a wink.

'Then let's go to the garage and I'll do my homework while you work on that,' I offered, changing his direction.

'Sounds like a plan,' Jake agreed, following me.

We walked into the garage and he flipped the lights on. I immediately made my way over to the torn out back seat, of some vehicle that had long since been removed, and plopped down, dropping my book bag at my feet. Jake went over to a green car that I assumed was the Cavalier and began looking around under the hood.

It was quiet for a while as I worked on Trigonometry homework. The only sound was Jake's tools as he worked on some piece of metal inside the car. I would occasionally glance up to see him bent over the car, frowning at the engine. He had grease marks on his face and his chest. I knew he shorts were likely covered in them as well. Sometimes, he would look up and find me watching him. When this happened, he'd flash me a smile causing me to blush and go back to my homework, grinning like an idiot.

By the time I had finished my homework, Jake was under the car with a flashlight, looking at the engine from underneath. I put all my books away before walking over to sit beside his feet. I absentmindedly scratched at his jean shorts, waiting for him to come out from under the car.

'Bells, you keep doing that and I'm going to cause this car to fall on top of me,' Jake warned.

I could hear the smile in his voice and it made me smile too. All the same, I stopped scratching his jeans and simply sat there, staring at his legs. They were beautiful, as far as legs went. They looked to be sculpted from stone in an attempt to create an image of the Greek gods I had studied so much during the play writing phase of high school English. I figured if the sculptors from Ancient Rome had caught sight of my Jake, they would have been hounding him to pose for them so they could capture just the right body tone.

Even his feet were perfect feet for a god. Long and wide, but not large and duck-like, his feet were works of art. His toes were absolutely perfectly proportioned with just a sprinkling of hair across the two largest. The arc of his foot was perfectly smooth. I was tempted to reach out and trace my finger across it, but I withheld.

I stopped staring as he suddenly came out from under the car, frowning slightly. He sat beside me and sighed.

'So, what's the verdict, doc?' I asked.

'Looks like the piston rings are worn out. They'll have to be replaced. Plus, he needs new air and fuel filters. And he's due for an oil change,' Jake informed me, wiping his hands off on his rag.

'Oh,' I said, completely clueless.

Jake looked over at me and smiled. It was different than his usual smile. This one was tender and soft, like he was remembering just how much he loved me.

He started to lean down for a kiss, but I quickly evaded him. He frowned at me, looking hurt.

'I am not kissing the grease monster. You can go wash up, first,' I giggled, scooting further away from him.

He suddenly grinned and started prowling towards me.

'Oh, come on, Bells. You don't like my grease marks?' Jake asked.

'On you, they look great. However, I don't think grease marks are really my style,' I shrugged, trying not to laugh.

'I don't know. I think grease marks look hot on a girl,' Jake growled, shooting me a sexy smirk.

'Hmm… Well, then, maybe you should just go look for a girl mechanic to be your girlfriend, because this one is not getting DIRTY! JACOB BLACK!' I screamed as he abruptly grabbed my feet and pulled me to him.

He was laughing maniacally as he trailed his hands down my arms and wiped his cheek against mine. I was gasping and struggling to push him off me, but he would have none of it. He pinned my arms to the ground and continued his assault.

'There. Now you're just as greasy as me,' Jake smirked, obviously pleased with himself.

'Ugh! And we both reek!' I cried, wrinkling my nose.

'Mmm. No, you still smell delicious,' Jake hummed, leaning down for a kiss.

I laughed as he placed his lips against mine briefly. We had grease all over our faces and I doubted either one of us wanted to taste it by getting into a hot and heavy make-out session right in the middle of his garage.

'There, you got your kiss. Now, get off me!' I demanded, shoving against his shoulder.

'It truly is sad that my girlfriend can deny me my wants so easily,' Jake sighed, flopping over onto his back.

I snorted and rolled my eyes, rising to my feet.

'Come on, grease monkey. Let's go get cleaned up so I can start dinner,' I sighed, offering him my hand.

'Dinner?' Jake perked up, looking excited.

'Uh, yeah. It's about that time, don't you think?' I asked sarcastically.

'Mmm. And you're going to cook for me. Oh, we'd better get you cleaned up fast!' Jake said, pulling me towards the house.

'I would've been able to start dinner right away if somebody hadn't seen it fit to get me all greasy,' I reminded him.

Jake pouted and let a little whine escape his throat. I laughed and bumped him with my hip before moving ahead of him into the house. He followed right behind me and ushered me into the bathroom.

'Hurry up. I'll get some clothes for you,' Jake assured me.

I laughed lightly as he closed the door. I turned to look at myself in the mirror and gasped. I looked awful! There were grease marks up and down my cheeks, across my forehead, on my nose, in my hair, and down my neck. My clothes would never be clean again. I only hoped that my face would.

I grumbled under my breath about boyfriends with evil intentions. I turned on the water and stepped in, rubbing my face furiously. The grease started washing down the drain as I scrubbed my hair and arms. I glared at the dark water, watching as it slowly turned clear. After it had stopped running black, I searched for something to wash my hair. The only shampoo was Suave for Men, Deep Cleansing. I opened the top and took a whiff, recognizing Jake's scent. I smiled, squeezing some of it into my hand and rubbing it in. Once it had rinsed out, I turned the water off and stepped out of the shower.

Sitting on the toilet seat was a large t-shirt and a towel. My jeans and t-shirt were gone. I smiled as I dried myself off, pulling on my underwear and bra afterwards. I held up his t-shirt, remembering the other one I had back home. I'd probably be stealing this one, too. I inhaled deeply, smelling him in every fiber. When I pulled it on, the bottom fell just below my knees. I did a quick rub of my hair with the towel before walking out of the bathroom.

Jake was leaning against the wall across from the door, waiting for me. He smiled when he saw me come out in his shirt.

'My turn,' he cheered, sweeping past me.

'Keep it short. You're helping with dinner, tonight!' I called as the door closed behind him.

I walked towards the laundry room and threw my clothes into the wash. I walked back to the bathroom and heard the shower running. Without knocking, I opened the door and peeked inside. Seeing that Jake was in the shower, I opened it further and grabbed up his dirty shorts.

'Isabella Marie Swan! What are you doing in here while I'm in the shower?' Jake mock scolded.

'Getting your filthy shorts. And don't give me that. You snuck in here while I was in the shower,' I glared at the curtain.

Short Link Second Skipper Greasemonkey

'True. But you didn't know. Now I've got all these naughty thoughts in my head about you sneaking in here to catch me naked,' Jake sighed.

I felt the blush creep up my cheeks and huffed in indignation.

'Wow, Bells. I can feel your blush from over here!' Jake laughed, turning off the water.

Realizing he was about to step out of the shower completely naked, I ran from the room, slamming the door behind me. I could hear Jake laughing outrageously on the other side and felt my blush reach new heights of red.

'Everything all right down there?' Billy asked, wheeling into the hallway.

'Yeah. Jake's just being Jake,' I assured him, moving into the laundry room.

'What'd the two of you do to get so dirty?' Billy asked, smiling as I began putting our clothes in the wash.

'Jake thought it would be fun to paint me with grease. Apparently, it ups his appeal for me,' I shrugged, blushing a little more.

Billy just raised his eyebrows, clearly shocked at my statement. I pursed my lips and went back to the laundry. I heard him laughing as he wheeled his way back into the living room. I breathed a sigh of relief and moved from the laundry room to the kitchen.

Less than five minutes later, Jake was standing at my side, eager to assist with the meal.

'What can I do?'

'You are in charge of the steaks, because I don't trust myself with them,' I answered, shoving the meat into his chest.

'Yum. Steaks. What are you fixing to go with them?' Jake asked.

'Salad, baked potatoes, and garlic bread. How's that sound?' I suggested.

'Perfect,' Jake grinned, kissing me swiftly.

I smiled after him as he walked out the back door, the screen door slamming shut behind him. Once he was out of the house, I started working on the potatoes and garlic bread. After they were put in the oven, I started breaking apart the lettuce for the salad. I listened to the TV as Billy watched sports, shouting occasionally at a bad play or call.

Just as everything was finishing up inside, Jake came in with the steaks at the same time Billy called out to me.

'Bella. You're dad's here.'

I peeked around the kitchen corner to see Charlie walk into the house five seconds later. I smiled and went to hug him.

'Hey, Dad. How was work?' I asked.

'Alright, I suppose. Sure am glad to be done, though,' Charlie sighed, kicking off his shoes.

He had obviously been home to change because he was wearing a flannel shirt and jeans. He eyed me up and down and I was suddenly aware I only had Jake's t-shirt covering me. Charlie just shook his head and grunted. He sniffed the air appreciatively and gave me a smile.

'Smells good, Bells. When do we get to eat it?' Charlie asked.

'You're timing is perfect, Dad. Jake just brought in the steaks and everything else is done,' I informed him.

'Finally!' Jake called from the kitchen.

'It's your own fault!' I reminded him, walking back into the kitchen.

Charlie and Billy followed behind, Billy informing Charlie of our little greasy mess. Charlie was laughing as we sat down at the Black's small kitchen table. From the story of Jake and I, Charlie moved on to the latest fishing story. Apparently, Billy and he had been drinking when Billy's line went taut. Billy thought he had a real big one from the force of his reeling. When the hook finally emerged from the water, all he had was an old boot. In his effort to throw the boot back into the water, he'd ended up losing his whole pole.

Jake and I were laughing uncontrollably as Billy glared at Charlie. The rest of the night passed with the two of them trying to embarrass the other more by telling awful fishing stories from their past. It was the perfect ending to outweigh the not so perfect start of the day.

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The rest of the week passed in a similar manner, though without the grease marks. Everyday at school, I'd count down the hours until I'd be able to leave a see Jake again. And everyday the pain was just as bad as the first.

On Friday, the pain was worse and I was having difficulty concentrating on my work. At lunch, I went couldn't eat and instead, sat outside, resting my head against the table. I pushed through the barrier of my mind and searched for Jake's. He was surprised to feel me at first, but was instantly glad to know I was safe.

Why wouldn't I be safe? What's going on? I asked.

We caught Victoria's scent again. She was close to the school, Jake answered.

When was this? I asked, upset that they hadn't told me.

About two hours ago, Jake said.

Two hours ago? How do you know about it?

I'm on Bella Watch today, Jake chuckled, using my term for it.

You're here? I gasped, looking around.

Yep. Right across the street, Jake grinned.

Why aren't you in school? I demanded.

It was quiet for a minute and I thought he'd severed our connection. Or that something had happened to him. I was about to get up and go look for him when he answered.

Calm down, honey. Everything's fine. I just don't know how you're going to react to this, is all, Jake mumbled.

What? What is it?

I dropped out of high school. I'm getting my GED instead, Jake told me.

I was in shock for a full five minutes. Jake just waited, letting me absorb this new information.

Why? I finally asked.

It was too much work juggling patrolling, school, sleep, homework, etc. Besides, it's not like the others aren't doing the same thing, Jake shrugged.

Why didn't you tell me? I asked, feeling hurt.

I didn't know how you'd react. I didn't want you to get mad or be embarrassed. I'm sorry, honey. I should've told you sooner, Jake admitted.

I could see his head lowering and felt the regret that was crushing him.

Just don't keep stuff like this from me. I love you. No matter what. And I'll always be proud to call you mine, I smiled.

I love you, too. Now, get to class. I'll see you at your truck after school, Jake promised, grinning like a fool.

I groaned and stood up as the bell rang, signaling it was time for Biology. I was dreading the thought of everyone seeing Jacob standing by my truck after school. I had no doubt that there would be plenty of stares and questions circulating.

Don't worry, Bells. I'll give 'em a show for you, Jake laughed.

I had forgotten to close my mind off to him. I nearly ran into a door at the sound of his voice in my head. He laughed harder, reminding me to watch out for defenseless objects. I growled at him before severing the link on his continued laughter.

I was worried about what exactly Jake meant by 'give 'em a show'. It sounded ominous and I wasn't sure I wanted to walk outside when the final bell rang. When it finally did go off after Gym, I walked outside very slowly, hoping he was just trying to scare me.

No such luck.

When I walked outside, there was a motorcycle in the back of my truck and Jacob Black was leaning against it, dressed entirely in black, his arms folded across his chest. He had on dark sunglasses and was frowning at everyone, appearing incredibly foreboding. Students were staring as they walked past on their way to their own cars. I noticed Jessica and Lauren staring at him with obvious desire. Jake was ignoring everyone, searching the crowds for me. He finally caught sight of me and brought up one hand, crooking a finger at me to come towards him.

I glared at him, but walked forward. It was my truck after all.

'What the heck, Jake?' I hissed when I was close enough.

'You missed the first part,' Jake murmured, still looking sinister.

'Oh, really?' I huffed, crossing my arms.

'Yeah. I came speeding into the parking lot and spun doughnuts behind your truck. It sure got everyone's attention,' Jake smirked.

I rolled my eyes at him and opened my car door. His hand reached out and slammed it back shut.

'Ah, ah, ah. Not before you pay the toll,' Jake teased, shaking his head.

I gritted me teeth and narrowed my eyes at him.

'What would that be?' I grated.

'A kiss,' Jake grinned.

Before I could protest, he swooped me into his arms and was kissing me senseless. All my anger towards him disappeared as soon as his lips met mine. My hands that had been about to shove him away ended up grabbing fistfuls of his shirt to pull him closer. His arms wrapped around my waist, bending me to his body. I was pressed up completely against him and enjoying every sweet second of it.

His tongue shoved into my mouth, dominating every corner. He traced the edge of my teeth, then flicked his tongue against the roof of my mouth. He pulled my tongue into his mouth and sucked it, causing my knees to nearly give out. I moaned and pulled him closer, my hands moving to fist in his hair. He responded with a low growl in his chest.

He pulled back and began kissing his way down my jaw line. My head rolled back, giving him further access. His tongue darted out to taste my skin and he growled again at the shudder that worked through my body.

The sound of a throat clearing had me suddenly opening my eyes and noticing the audience we had. I shoved against Jake, but he refused to let go of me. He simply looked up at the person through his shades.

'Can we help you?' Jake asked.

I looked over to see Mike standing there with Tyler and Eric behind him. All three of them looked furious.

'Actually, you can. You can stop manhandling Bella here,' Mike snapped, glaring at Jake.

Jake just grinned and pulled me closer.

'She seemed to like it,' Jake said.

Mike bristled and I knew if I didn't step in, he'd do something stupid. Like try to hit Jake.

'Mike, it's okay. I'll handle him. Thanks for coming to my rescue,' I smiled sweetly, laying a hand on his shoulder.

Mike looked at me for a long time, probably to see if I was being sincere. When he decided I was, he nodded and backed away from us.

Jake was laughing under his breath. I turned and glared at him.

'What?' he asked.

'That was so not cool, Jacob Black,' I grumbled, letting my anger come back full force.

'Oh, come on, Bells. I told you I'd give them a show,' Jake grinned.

'By making me look easy? Thanks a lot, you jerk!' I snarled, breaking out of his hold and climbing into my truck.

I slammed the door behind me. Jake was standing at the window, looking surprised and a little hurt. He had no idea what he was in for later.

'Get in,' I ordered, still glaring.

Jake walked around the front of the truck and climbed in beside me, looking like a little kid who knew they'd done something wrong.

Seriously! Where the hell did he get off doing that to me in public?

We drove in silence for about five minutes before I was finally able to talk.

'If you ever, ever, get me going like that again in the middle of a crowd, I will kill you,' I warned.

'I had to lay claim to what is mine, Bells. I've heard what the guys are saying about you. That Newton kid asked you out at least five times this week,' Jake growled, finding his own anger.

'I don't care about that! It's not fair to get me so worked up only to have to stop because we're in public,' I glared.

Jake looked at me in absolute shock for all of two minutes. I waited for what I had said to sink in. As soon as it hit home what I was implying, he started laughing. I smiled and eased the truck into my driveway. When I cut the engine off, Jake leaned over and kissed me, reigniting the fire.

'Damn, I love you, Bells,' Jake grinned, pulling away.

'You better. Especially after that show,' I huffed, opening the door and hopping out.

Jake was by my side in an instant.

'I have the greatest girlfriend in the world,' he said, throwing his arm around my shoulders.

I smiled up at him and let him feel just how amazing those words made me feel. He leaned down and kissed me one last time before we walked into the house, side by side.


WE BROKE ONE HUNDRED!!! Oh my gosh!! You guys are FREAKING AMAZING!!!!! So amazing, that I just had to write you another chapter before this weekend!! Well, that, and I'm stuck at college for another night, so I had lots of free time to write it. Anyway, this is the first time any of my stories broke the one hundred chart!! I'm so excited!!! You guys are AWESOME!!! I really hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you next time!!! Lots of love!!!

P.S. Chapter Ten will be up either late Saturday night or Sunday afternoon EST.

This entry was posted on 30.08.2019.