How Is Resonance Used In Musical Instruments

  1. Fundamental Elements Of Musical Resonance
  2. How Is Resonance Used In Musical Instruments
Graph showing mechanical resonance in a mechanical oscillatory system

Mechanical resonance is the tendency of a mechanical system to respond at greater amplitude when the frequency of its oscillations matches the system's natural frequency of vibration (its resonance frequency or resonant frequency) than it does at other frequencies. It may cause violent swaying motions and even catastrophic failure in improperly constructed structures including bridges, buildings and airplanes. This is a phenomenon known as resonance disaster.

How is resonance used in musical instruments? To amplify sound. Which type of alloy is used for musical instruments? Frequently used for musical instruments is brass: a copper and zinc alloy. Resonance is very important in the physics of music. In fact, in many musical instruments, the part of the instrument that first produces vibrations is often a rather small, insignificant-looking part of the instrument - a thin string, or a sliver of reed.

Avoiding resonance disasters is a major concern in every building, tower and bridge construction project. The Taipei 101 building relies on a 660-ton pendulum—a tuned mass damper—to modify the response at resonance. Furthermore, the structure is designed to resonate at a frequency which does not typically occur. Buildings in seismic zones are often constructed to take into account the oscillating frequencies of expected ground motion. In addition, engineers designing objects having engines must ensure that the mechanical resonant frequencies of the component parts do not match driving vibrational frequencies of the motors or other strongly oscillating parts.

Many resonant objects have more than one resonance frequency. It will vibrate easily at those frequencies, and less so at other frequencies. Many clocks keep time by mechanical resonance in a balance wheel, pendulum, or quartz crystal.

  • 3Resonance disaster


The natural frequency of a simple mechanical system consisting of a weight suspended by a spring is:

f=12πkm{displaystyle f={1 over 2pi }{sqrt {k over m}}}

where m is the mass and k is the spring constant.

A swing set is a simple example of a resonant system with which most people have practical experience. It is a form of pendulum. If the system is excited (pushed) with a period between pushes equal to the inverse of the pendulum's natural frequency, the swing will swing higher and higher, but if excited at a different frequency, it will be difficult to move. The resonance frequency of a pendulum, the only frequency at which it will vibrate, is given approximately, for small displacements, by the equation:[1]

f=12πgL{displaystyle f={1 over 2pi }{sqrt {g over L}}}

where g is the acceleration due to gravity (about 9.8 m/s2 near the surface of Earth), and L is the length from the pivot point to the center of mass.(An elliptic integral yields a description for any displacement). Note that, in this approximation, the frequency does not depend on mass.

Mechanical resonators work by transferring energy repeatedly from kinetic to potential form and back again. In the pendulum, for example, all the energy is stored as gravitational energy (a form of potential energy) when the bob is instantaneously motionless at the top of its swing. This energy is proportional to both the mass of the bob and its height above the lowest point. As the bob descends and picks up speed, its potential energy is gradually converted to kinetic energy (energy of movement), which is proportional to the bob's mass and to the square of its speed. When the bob is at the bottom of its travel, it has maximum kinetic energy and minimum potential energy. The same process then happens in reverse as the bob climbs towards the top of its swing.

Some resonant objects have more than one resonance frequency, particularly at harmonics (multiples) of the strongest resonance. It will vibrate easily at those frequencies, and less so at other frequencies. It will 'pick out' its resonance frequency from a complex excitation, such as an impulse or a wideband noise excitation. In effect, it is filtering out all frequencies other than its resonance. In the example above, the swing cannot easily be excited by harmonic frequencies, but can be excited by subharmonics.


Resonance Rings exhibit at California Science Center

Various examples of mechanical resonance include:

  • Musical instruments (acoustic resonance).
  • Most clocks keep time by mechanical resonance in a balance wheel, pendulum, or quartz crystal.
  • Tidal resonance of the Bay of Fundy.
  • Orbital resonance as in some moons of the solar system's gas giants.
  • The resonance of the basilar membrane in the ear.
  • A wineglass breaking when someone sings a loud note at exactly the right pitch.

Resonance may cause violent swaying motions in improperly constructed structures, such as bridges and buildings. The London Millennium Footbridge (nicknamed the Wobbly Bridge) exhibited this problem. A faulty bridge can even be destroyed by its resonance (see Broughton Suspension Bridge and Angers Bridge). Mechanical systems store potential energy in different forms. For example, a spring/mass system stores energy as tension in the spring, which is ultimately stored as the energy of bonds between atoms.

Resonance disaster[edit]

In mechanics and construction a resonance disaster describes the destruction of a building or a technical mechanism by induced vibrations at a system's resonance frequency, which causes it to oscillate. Periodic excitation optimally transfers to the system the energy of the vibration and stores it there. Because of this repeated storage and additional energy input the system swings ever more strongly, until its load limit is exceeded.

Tacoma Narrows Bridge[edit]

The dramatic, rhythmic twisting that resulted in the 1940 collapse of 'Galloping Gertie', the original Tacoma Narrows Bridge, is sometimes characterized in physics textbooks as a classic example of resonance. The catastrophic vibrations that destroyed the bridge were due to an oscillation caused by interactions between the bridge and the winds passing through its structure—a phenomenon known as aeroelastic flutter. Robert H. Scanlan, father of the field of bridge aerodynamics, wrote an article about this.[2]

Other examples[edit]

  • Collapse of Broughton Suspension Bridge (due to soldiers walking in step)
  • Collapse of Angers Bridge
  • Collapse of Königs Wusterhausen Central Tower[citation needed]
  • Resonance of the Millennium Bridge



Various method of inducing mechanical resonance in a medium exist. Mechanical waves can be generated in a medium by subjecting an electromechanical element to an alternating electric field having a frequency which induces mechanical resonance and is below any electrical resonance frequency.[3] Such devices can apply mechanical energy from an external source to an element to mechanically stress the element or apply mechanical energy produced by the element to an external load.

The United States Patent Office classifies devices that tests mechanical resonance under subclass 579, resonance, frequency, or amplitude study, of Class 73, Measuring and testing. This subclass is itself indented under subclass 570, Vibration.[4] Such devices test an article or mechanism by subjecting it to a vibratory force for determining qualities, characteristics, or conditions thereof, or sensing, studying or making analysis of the vibrations otherwise generated in or existing in the article or mechanism. Devices include right methods to cause vibrations at a natural mechanical resonance and measure the frequency and/or amplitude the resonance made. Various devices study the amplitude response over a frequency range is made. This includes nodal points, wave lengths, and standing wave characteristics measured under predetermined vibration conditions.

See also[edit]


  1. ^Mechanical resonance
  2. ^K. Billah and R. Scanlan (1991), Resonance, Tacoma Narrows Bridge Failure, and Undergraduate Physics Textbooks, American Journal of Physics, 59(2), 118–124 (PDF)
  3. ^Allensworth, et al., United States Patent 4,524,295. June 18, 1985
  4. ^USPTO, Class 73, Measuring and testing

Further reading[edit]

  • S Spinner, WE Tefft, A method for determining mechanical resonance frequencies and for calculating elastic moduli from these frequencies. American Society for testing and materials.
  • CC Jones, A mechanical resonance apparatus for undergraduate laboratories. American Journal of Physics, 1995.


  • U.S. Patent 1,414,077 Method and apparatus for inspecting materials
  • U.S. Patent 1,517,911 Apparatus for testing textiles
  • U.S. Patent 1,598,141 Apparatus for testing textiles and like materials
  • U.S. Patent 1,930,267 Testing and adjusting device
  • U.S. Patent 1,990,085 Method and apparatus for testing materials
  • U.S. Patent 2,352,880 Article testing machine
  • U.S. Patent 2,539,954 Apparatus for determining the behavior of suspended cables
  • U.S. Patent 2,729,972 Mechanical resonance detection systems
  • U.S. Patent 2,918,589 Vibrating-blade relays with electro-mechanical resonance
  • U.S. Patent 2,948,861 Quantum mechanical resonance devices
  • U.S. Patent 3,044,290 Mechanical resonance indicator
  • U.S. Patent 3,141,100 Piezoelectric resonance device
  • U.S. Patent 3,990,039 Tuned ground motion detector utilizing principles of mechanical resonance
  • U.S. Patent 4,524,295 Apparatus and method for generating mechanical waves
  • U.S. Patent 4,958,113 Method of controlling mechanical resonance hand
  • U.S. Patent 7,027,897 Apparatus and method for suppressing mechanical resonance in a mass transit vehicle
Retrieved from ''

How many resonance structures are there for CH3COO?

Two. The resonance occurs between the two oxygen atoms.

Name two websites on which musical instruments are for sale?

There are many websites which sell musical instruments. Two websites which have musical instruments for sale are eBay and Amazon. Additionally, an individual may find musical instruments through Guitar Center, Target, and Wal-Mart.

What are the two types of musical instruments?

There are four types of musical instruments: String, Wind, Brass and Percussion.

What are two musical instruments?

What should the beat frequency of two in-tune instruments be?

The beat frequency of two in-tune musical instruments is zero.

What are two musical instruments that end in o?

What musical instruments start with J?

The jug is a musical instrument. The jouhikko is a musical instrument from Finland. It is a bowed lyre with two or three strings.

What are the less common musical instruments?

two of them is the contrabass sax and the contrabass flute.

Name two musical instruments that bach could play?

What two musical instruments did Richard Nixon play?

What is pitch music?

There are two types of musical instruments; pitched and non-pitched. PITCHED: are instruments that are able to move up and down the musical staff... this includes brass, woodwinds, keyboards, strings, and vocals. NON-PITCHED: instruments that are unable to move up and down the musical staff... this include mostly percussive instruments such as drums.

What musical instruments are fit for percussion?

There are two main classifications of percussion instruments. Idiophones include things such as cymbols and maracas. Membranophones include common instruments such as drums.

Name two musical instruments that you blow into?

What are two Elizabethan musical instruments?

The sackbut was a type of trombone. The hautboy was a primitive oboe.

What are two musical instruments that produce high-pitched sounds?

What are the two musical styles that rely heavily on electronic instruments?

Why can a tuning fork or bell be set into resonance while tissue paper cannot?

The resonance occurs by the frequent vibrations from the two objects. Since hitting tissue paper which is not a very rigid object does not vibrate it does not resonate.

Name two musical instruments that produce high pitched sounds?

Does Carrie Underwood play a musical instrument?

I believe Carrie plays two instruments, the piano and the guitar.

What are all the wind instruments called?

If you're talking about meterology and the weather, the instrument that measures the wind is called an Anemometer. However, in terms of musical instruments, they are plainly refered to as the Wind Instruments, but can be further divided into two groups, the Brass Instruments and the Woodwind Instruments.

What Words that start with du and mean two?

Duet. It's used when two people sing together or playing musical instruments together.

What instruments did the Egyptians have?

Lute This lute is a plucked string instrument with a half-pear-shaped body consisting of a small oblong sound box, or resonator, and a long neck. Musical Instruments Child's Musical Instrument This rattle is made of wood. Once a symbol of the gods, it is now a popular children's musical instrument. Musical Instruments Cylindrical Musical Instrument A musical instrument that is almost cylindrical and is composed of two parts, each of which is hollow. It has… Read More

What Musical instruments have names which are made up of two words?

What is placed between a molecule's resonance structures to indicate resonance?

Usually two way arrows are placed between a molecule's resonance structures to indicate resonance

Name two musical instruments from Mexico?

Tambora (Mexican drum), marimba, Mexican vihuela, bajo sexto are some of them.

What is the name of the cartoon where two musical instruments fall in love?

Music Land

Which one is the biggest and smallest musical instruments?

The largest working musical instrument in the world is the Wanamaker Organ in Philadelphia. The console alone weighs in at over two tons! The smallest is the piccolo.

What is the minimum number of moons that must be orbiting a planet for the moons to have an orbital resonance?

An orbital resonance occurs when one moon's orbital period is a simple fraction of the other's, such as 1/2 or 1/3 or 1/4, which means at least two moons are required.

What type of wind instruments are the clarinet and the bassoon?

The clarinet and bassoon are members of the Woodwind family. These two instruments require the use of a reed to produce musical notes. Another member of the Woodwind family is the Oboe.

Are chordophones part of percussion instruments?

A chordophone is any musical instrument that makes sound when the strings vibrate or if the strings are stretched between two points. Examples are the violin and the guitar, so no, they are not percussion instruments.

Is there an instrument that is shaped like a triangle?

A Triangle! (musical instrument) The (Swanson) speed square and the navigational triangle are two other triangular instruments.

What 10 letter musical instrument starts with the letter B?

The Australian 'bullroarer' (two word instruments are basset horn and bass guitar).

What did bartolomeo cristofori do?

Bartolomeo Cristofori di Francesco was an Italian maker of musical instruments. He created the first piano. He invented two keyboard instruments before he began his work on the piano, the harpsichord and oval spinet.

What are the resonance structures for bromate ion?

There are two resonance structures for bromate - two of the oxygens are double bonded to bromine, and one is single bonded. The double bonded bromines share the electrons between all three, creating two equivalent resonance structures.

What does a period in music mean?

A period occurs at the end of a musical phrase. Usually, it is described by two full bars at the end of the stanza.

How do you dissolve granite?

Work out the resonance of the granite and then subject it with sound frequency to suite the resonance there are two frequencies that can be used

What instruments are used in 'What Is This Feeling' in 'Wicked'?

Guitar, piano and voice are the musical instruments that are used in the song 'What Is This Feeling?' in the musical 'Wicked.' Specifically, this is a song that Elphaba and Glinda, the musical's two main characters, sing together. They both are first-year students and roommates at Shiz University. This is their declaration of mutual dislike.

Fundamental Elements Of Musical Resonance

Are dynamics and timbre musical elements that composers employ to achieve variety?

Two of the most obvious musical elements that composers use to achieve variety are indeed dynamics and timbre. These can be achieved by using different instruments in different registers.

Two Elizabethan musical instruments?

There were basically 4 types of musical instruments used in the Elizabethian era: string, keyboard, wind and percussion. The virginal was mainly used and described as a tiny piano. Stringed instruments were thosed played with a bow or plucked. The wind instruments were ones that needed to be blown into, i.e., trumpets or bagpipes. Drums formed the percussion..the spinet and virginal formed a part of the keyboard instruments. Other instruments used were the lute,viol,sackbuts, hautboy… Read More

How many resonance structure for ozone?

Ozone has two resonance structures. [O=O-O] <--> [O-O=O]

When did Africian music start?

African music started when the first caveman figured out how to beat two sticks or bones together. Percussion instruments are the oldest known musical instruments. Making noises in a rhythmic way is the bare essentials of making music.

Does O3 have a resonance structure?

Yes it has one resonance structure. O-O-O <--> O-O-O The double bond is the reason O_3 has a resonance it can be in two different places as shown above.

What is meant by resonance in LCR circuit?

How Is Resonance Used In Musical Instruments

a circuit in which inductance L,capacitance C and resistance R are connected in series and the circuit admits maximumum current corresponding to a given frequency of a.c. Another Answer In the case of a series circuit, resonance occurs when its inductive reactance is exactly equal to its capacitive reactance. As the vector sum of these two quantities will then be zero, the only opposition to current will be resistance and, so, maximum current will flow… Read More

Why Chinese people are obsessed with the piano?

The Chinese have a long history of education And pride for it. Musical instruments build analytical skills and eye-hand coordination. Therefore, the best two instruments for these are the violin and the piano. In the short run, the piano is something 'fun' that is educational.

What musical instrument is better a guitar or violin?

The one that is the better of those two is the one you play. Both are beautiful instruments and lots of classical literature has been written for both.

What is the best musical instrument for a 10 year old to play?

I would assume the clarinet. It is maybe one of the most easiest instruments. I learned how to play within two weeks.

Is the violin a chordophone?

A Chordophone is 'any musical instrument that makes sound by way of a vibrating string or strings stretched between two points' so the Violin would be a good example. Other examples include the Guitar, Lyre and Harp although the term can also be stretched to include instruments that some may hesitate to call stringed instruments, such as the Musical Bow and the Piano.

What are two wind instruments?

Two examples of wind instruments are the flute and the clarinet.

What is the resonance form?

resonance forms are individual lewis structure in cases where two or more lewis structure are equally good descriptions of a single molecule .

Is a flute haram for Muslims?

The right anwser is: it's haram. The Messenger of Allaah (peace be upon him) said: “Among my ummah (nation) there will certainly be people who permit zinaa (adultery), silk, alcohol and musical instruments…” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari ta’leeqan, no. 5590; narrated as mawsool by al-Tabaraani and al-Bayhaqi. See al-Silsilah al-Saheehah by al-Albaani, 91). This hadeeth indicates in two ways that musical instruments and enjoyment of listening to music are haraam. The first is the fact that… Read More

This entry was posted on 21.08.2019.