Download Film Mahabrata Batch

  1. Mahabharat Animated Film 2013 Download
  2. Mahabharat Full Movie
The Mahabharata
Directed byPeter Brook
Written byPeter Brook
Jean-Claude Carrière
Marie-Hélène Estienne
StarringRobert Langton-Lloyd
Antonin Stahly-Vishwanadan
Bruce Myers
Vittorio Mezzogiorno
Andrzej Seweryn
Georges Corraface
Music byToshi Tsuchitori
Rabindranath Tagore
CinematographyWilliam Lubtchansky
Release date
318 minutes
CountryU.K. / Japan / Denmark / France / Belgium / U.S.A. / Australia / Ireland / Iceland / Sweden / Portugal / Norway / Netherlands / Finland
Budget$5 million
  1. Welcome to the free download Mahabharata AudioBook page. Currently there are two free download Mahabharata versions for you to download. One is with background music and the other, by Sarvabhavana das, is a simple reading with no background music.
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The Mahabharata is a 1989 film version of the HinduepicMahabharata directed by Peter Brook. Brook's original 1985 stage play was 9 hours long, and toured around the world for four years. In 1989, it was reduced to under 6 hours for television (TV mini series). Later it was also reduced to about 3 hours for theatrical and DVD release. The screenplay was the result of eight years' work by Peter Brook, Jean-Claude Carrière and Marie-Hélène Estienne.


In general terms, the story involves epic incidents between two warring families, the Pandavas (representing the good side) and the Kauravas (representing the bad side). Both sides, being the offspring of kings and gods, fight for dominion. They have both been advised by the god Krishna to live in harmony and abstain from the bloody lust for power. Yet their fights come to threaten the very order of the Universe. The plot is framed by a dialogue between the Brahmin sage Vyasa and the Hindu deity Ganesha, and directed towards an unnamed Indian boy who comes to him inquiring about the story of the human race.


  • Robert Langdon Lloyd as Vyasa
  • Antonin Stahly-Vishwanadan as Boy
  • Bruce Myers as Ganesha/Krishna
  • Vittorio Mezzogiorno as Arjuna
  • Andrzej Seweryn as Yudhishthira
  • Mamadou Dioumé as Bhima
  • Georges Corraface as Duryodhana
  • Jean-Paul Denizon as Nakula
  • Mahmoud Tabrizi-Zadeh as Sahadeva
  • Mallika Sarabhai as Draupadi
  • Miriam Goldschmidt as Kunti
  • Ryszard Cieslak as Dhritarashtra
  • Hélène Patarot as Gandhari
  • Myriam Tadesse as Gandhari's servant
  • Urs Bihler as Dushasana
  • Lou Elias Bihler as Young Karna
  • Jeffrey Kissoon as Karna
  • Maurice Bénichou as Kitchaka
  • Yoshi Oida as Drona
  • Sotigui Kouyaté as Parashurama / Bhishma
  • Tuncel Kurtiz as Shakuni
  • Ciarán Hinds as Ashwatthama
  • Erika Alexander as Madri / Hidimbi
  • Bakary Sangaré as The Sun / Rakshasa / Ghatotkacha
  • Tapa Sudana as Pandu/Shiva
  • Akram Khan as Ekalavya
  • Nolan Hemmings as Abhimanyu
  • Hapsari Hardjito as Utari (Abhimanyu's wife)
  • Mas Soegeng as Virata
  • Yumi Nara as Virata's wife
  • Amba Bihler as Virata's daughter
  • Tamsir Niane as Urvasi
  • Lutfi Jakfar as Uttara
  • Gisèle Hogard as 1st princess
  • Julie Romanus as 2nd princess
  • Abbi Patricx as Salvi
  • Ken Higelin as Deathless boy
  • Corinne Jaber as Amba / Sikhandin
  • Joseph Kurian as Dhristadyumna
  • Clément Masdongar as Gazelle
  • Leela Mayor as Satyavati
  • Velu Vishwananan as The hermit


The production's use of an international cast caused heated intercultural debate.[citation needed]


In 1990, the film won the award for Performing Arts of the International Emmy Awards and the Audience Award for Best Feature at the São Paulo International Film Festival.

External links[edit]

  • The Mahabharata on IMDb
  • The Mahabharata at AllMovie
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Possible Duplicate:
Download a file via HTTP from a script in Windows

I've never done any scripting on Windows but now I need to write a batch file that downloads a file off the Internet (amongst other things). If it was Linux I would use wget.

Is there a built-in executable that will download a file to a given directory? This needs to run on Windows XP.


marked as duplicate by akira, quack quixoteMay 18 '10 at 12:07

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migrated from stackoverflow.comMar 9 '10 at 2:27

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2 Answers

Mahabharat Animated Film 2013 Download

There is no builtin. But wget works just fine in batch files.

John KnoellerJohn Knoeller

Wget has a Windows version as well. I assume you know how to use it. Besides Wget, there is also cURL (A Windows version is available here, but I haven't used it). You can give it a try.

Mahabharat Full Movie


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This entry was posted on 07.09.2019.